
Job searching can be a tiring and often thankless task with hours spent scrolling aimlessly through page after page of listings. Even when you have found a job you’d like to apply for, the application process itself can be equally as time-consuming. That’s why it’s so important to ensure you’re maximising your job search and searching for Jobs in the most effective way possible and utilising your time efficiently. Our top three ways of maximising your job search will save you time and effort by showing some of the ways to cut down on wasted time and ensure that you’re applying for the jobs you want rather than the ones you think you’ll get.

Plan your Perfect Job 

Now at first glance, this may seem like a waste of time but you’d be surprised at how much clearer things are when they’re written down on paper. The first step at one of our Job-search strategy sessions is to think about the position you want, where you want it and how you can get it. It’s important to rank these things in terms of how important they are. For example, the salary might be of massive importance to you and the commute time not so much. 

By planning and writing down the type of position you want you can effectively check it against the job offerings you see on the job site. It can also be useful to clarify to yourself what is important and what is less so. We’re not saying that you should only apply to roles that fulfil every single one of your wishes but at the same time, it’s important not to sell yourself short of what you want and deserve. It’s far better to aim for the job you want rather than underselling yourself for a mediocre position.

Making a plan can also be useful to plot your career long term. For a lot of people starting out in their career, the job they would ideally like can be out of reach because of experience or qualifications etc. When making your plan think about the steps you might need to take to reach this goal, where can you get related experience from? How long will it take you to get qualified? That sort of thing. Furthermore when you’re inevitably asked in a Job interview what your long term goals are? You’ll have no trouble explaining exactly what you want to achieve and how you plan on achieving it, and that really stands out to potential employers.

Tailor your CV and Cover Letter

Once you’ve decided the position you’re after and hopefully found it or something that meets your most important requirements, it’s time to apply! This is the part of job-searching that takes the longest, so make sure you only apply for positions that you are interested in, otherwise you’ll just be wasting your time. 

Let’s say however that you have found a job that you want and are ready to apply. The most effective way to maximise your chances of job search success is to tailor your CV and Cover letter to the exact Job specification/requirements. You’ve probably heard before that you should make sure that you write a cover letter for each position you apply for but it’s equally important to tailor your CV as well.

With regards to the Cover Letter, research the company. Look for current updates and their main values and try to incorporate them into your Cover Letter. It’s also crucial to refer to the job spec, so look for keywords that you can utilise in your cover letter, most importantly those that feature in the job requirements and the outline of what the role entails. Try and address the most important of these requirements/responsibilities and give evidence to support your claims that you are perfect for the role and can complete the required tasks.

As for the CV, it shouldn’t take quite as long as the cover letter. The main thing to note when tailoring your CV is to use the terminology used in the Job Specification. Those Keywords you picked out when writing your cover letter should also feature in your CV itself – particularly when evidencing your own achievements. Try and word it in such a way that your past experience and achievements prove that you can fulfil the job requirements. 

This is undoubtedly the most difficult and laborious part of job searching so why not give yourself the best possible chance of winning your next role with a bespoke CV and cover letter tailored to your targeted roles. At Diamond CV we offer job-winning professional CV writing services that have been tried and tested to give you the best possible chance at landing your perfect role. Book a free CV consultation today!  

A Great LinkedIn Profile Will help Maximise your Job-Search

Don’t underestimate the importance of having a killer LinkedIn profile when maximising your Job search. The leading social media for professionals, LinkedIn is incredibly popular with businesses both for its networking capabilities and for checking out potential employees. Upon receiving your job applications and reviewing your CV it is increasingly likely that HR departments or even the employer themselves will check their candidates LinkedIn profiles to help shortlist potential employees for interview. 

It is important then not to waste this final opportunity to sell yourself and maximise your job search. If you don’t have LinkedIn then set yourself a profile up and if you do then review it and make sure that it’s both up to date and attractive to employers. Your headline should detail exactly what you do alongside your most important skills and the about section should function somewhat like a less targeted cover letter, outlining your best points and achievements. We at DiamondCV Ltd also offer a bespoke LinkedIn profile service that will ensure that your profile is as attractive as possible to potential employers and help you to land that dream job.  

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