CV Writing Services

From Career Coaching to Job-Search Strategy and Interview Preparation,

my services are set up to support professionals at every stage of their career journey


  1. PREPARE: Career Assessment
  2. POLISH: CV, Cover Letter, LinkedIn
  3. PROPEL: Strategy / Interview Coaching


  1. My most popular services
  2. Different Packages to suit your needs
  3. Best value for money


  1. My most flexible options
  2. Combine services as required
  3. Tailored to your needs


Avg. job application success percentage

Number of CV's used by the avg. jobseeker

Avg. time a recruiter spends looking at a CV

Avg. no. of days it takes to find a job in the UK

“Brendan walked the journey with me from being at my previous employer for a very long time with multiple roles that grew organically, to developing my CV from scratch without me having to provide the content upfront. He took the time and patience to understand what I had done, achieved and weaved it into a really excellent representation in my CV and Cover letter specially for the UK market. He was always available to guide and assist. Can highly recommend.”

Russel F.

I used Brendan’s services shortly after graduating. Prior to reaching out to him, I felt disoriented and lacked direction. However, Brendan skillfully guided me by asking important questions and identifying the crucial information to include in my new CV. Additionally, he adeptly crafted my LinkedIn profile, cover letter, and conducted a job search session during which I acquired invaluable tips. Remarkably, within two weeks of applying for jobs, I secured a position at a highly promising company!

Viktorija Č.

“Brendan and his team provided me with a polished and professional CV and refreshed my LinkedIn profile almost 12 months ago, as well as follow up calls to discuss streamlining my job search. This resulted in a sharp increase in contact from recruiters and potential employers enabling me to ensure my next move was 100% right for me. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Diamond CV friends and colleagues. Thanks Brendan!”

Daren A.

“DiamondCV and Brendan are excellent. They offer a comprehensive job search strategy and have all the tools and experience needed to get you a new role. Brendan is patient and constructive; to help you, get you, to where you want to be. I can’t thank Brendan enough for his support in what was a difficult time for me and his checking in to see how things were going. I 100% recommend DiamondCV.”

Robin F.

Choose Your Package

I have packaged up our most popular services to save you time and money. If you would like a stand-alond service, click here.

Bronze Package

One-to-One Consultation

Top-Performing CV Format

Keyword Optimised for ATS

Professional Cover Letter

Optimised LinkedIn Profile

Job-Search Strategy Session

Interview Prep / Career Coaching


No Work / Internship Experience



Recent Graduate / 3 Years’ Experience



+3 Years’ Professional Experience



Director / C-Suite / Medical / Academic


Silver Package

One-to-One Consultation

Top-Performing CV Format

Keyword Optimised for ATS

Professional Cover Letter

Optimised LinkedIn Profile

Job-Search Strategy Session

Interview Prep / Career Coaching


No Work / Internship Experience



Recent Graduate / 3 Years’ Experience



+3 Years’ Professional Experience



Director / C-Suite / Medical / Academic


Gold Package

One-to-One Consultation

Top-Performing CV Format

Keyword Optimised for ATS

Professional Cover Letter

Optimised LinkedIn Profile

Job-Search Strategy Session

Interview Prep / Career Coaching


No Work / Internship Experience



Recent Graduate / 3 Years’ Experience



+3 Years’ Professional Experience



Director / C-Suite / Medical / Academic


Core Writing Services

Keen to get your CV polished? Or perhaps you would like to build your own CV package? We offer a full range of CV Writing services and add-on options.

Professional CV

Our most comprehensive CV option. Book a one-to-one with an Executive CV Writer.

CV Polish

We will rewrite your existing CV content and reshape the design into a winning format.

Professional Cover Letter

A cover letter optimised and focused on your target roles

Professional LinkedIn Profile

A complete revamp of your LinkedIn profile, including images

Personal Statement

Does your application require a personal statement? We will craft a compelling career overview.

Career Coaching

Unsure of your next career move? Career coaching will help you to gain the clarity you require.

Job-Search Strategy

Included with every silver or gold package, we will talk you through the best job seeking advice

Interview Preparation

A two-part consultation with a bespoke, mock-interview, detailed report and action plan

Free CV Appraisal

Unsure what you need? Send your CV to us and we will provide a free review and personal action plan.

Get a Free CV Review

Please provide a detailed overview of your current situation and future career goals. I look forward to hearing from you – Brendan


Changing Lives, One CV at a time…

Diamonds are one of the hardest, natural forming elements…

In order to generate an unbreakable Diamond CV, you need to search deep into your experiences and ensure your true self-worth shines through. This is where I can help. With years of experience working on my own career, and assisting others to follow their true career path, I am able to offer a bespoke set of services to cater to your needs. My goal is to help thousands of people, nationwide, to realise their career goals, change their mindsets and ensure they are left with an unbreakable CV for life.

About Brendan Hope CV Writing

I am an Experienced Executive Writer and am ready to work with you on a one-to-one basis to ensure you receive the greatest return on investment.

Brendan Hope

Founder & Executive CV Writer

I have been supporting people with their CVs since the financial crisis of 2008. My dream of helping as many people as possible to realise their value and self-worth has evolved into a business offering the most effective set of services on the market.

Get started

Send Your CV for a Free Assessment!

Do you have an existing CV? Need it assessed by a Professional CV Writer? I can help!

I will personally analyse your CV and give you an honest assessment on the performance ability of your CV.